How to find a Raid team (PS5 GMT)

Am I missing something or is there a jack to finding a raid team to do the gleaming depths?

I have just come back (Nov'23) to FO76 after playing it at launch and started a new character, I've been really struggling to get up to speed and getting a meta build due to the changes to legendaries ect but I have got to lvl 149 and finished most of the main quests and help out on all of the public events but I cannot find a raid team.

I think I can help out on most rounds apart from the snake where I get melted, I have compleated one raid (but was carried as it was my first time) and been on another where we struggled at every round but I have tried daily and cannot find any teams.

Is there a place I can find a team that would be willing to help me learn the raid or even just farm an easy round to help me get the gear to be more useful.

I have PA, and auto axe and gattling plasma but no friends.

PSN: lloydy1988